Contents of the trial release for the SemEval 2013 Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation Task: --------------------------------------------------- * Trial_Data_Task13.pdf: documentation on the data and evaluation of this task * clls.dtd: dtd for the format of the input data (for both trial and test data). This dtd has been created by the organizers of the Cross Lingual Lexical Substitution task. * Data files: Trial1_*.zip: trial data that was created for the SemEval_2010 run Trial2_*.zip: test data that was created for the SemEval_2010 run, and that can now be used as additional trial/development data * Trial1/ trial input data that illustrates the format of the upcoming test data * Trial1/ one directory per target language that contains the trial gold standard data for the evaluation * Trial1/ files that are used for calculating the baselines for the trial data (most frequent word alignment output from GIZA++) * scoring script (use of the script is explained in the documentation)